Happy birthday, dear school !
The best and beloved our school!
Every day with students you are full
Studying Hebrew and traditions,
Winning every competition!
The reason I chose school number 170
By Kate Kotomina (grade 6)
When I came to school N170 in Kharkiv, I fell in love with it from the very beginning.
The first class with my future teacher and classmates was adorable, because she said “Kids this is Katya. She is your new classmate.” And all my doubts, if any, have disappeared at once after these words. My classmates were running to meet and hug me, and at this very moment I made my choice.
I believe that it is important for children to be loved, and for parents – what their child is taught.
I think that my teachers and school meet the aforementioned criteria.
Thank you all for this!
My school
by Sonya Kolpak (grade 11)
My name is Sonya, I'm an 11th grade student, which means I've been studying in this school for 11 years, so I can tell you a lot about it. School is an important part of childhood, there you make your first steps in life, learn to take responsibilities and make your first friends. So it's not just about the education - it's more about environment, which helps you to develop your social skills and make your own opinions. I'm glad that my parents chose this school for me to study at and just to grow up. There I started to discover the world around me and learned a lot about my personality. And that's not all...For me, as a Jewish girl, it's very important to grow up in the special way. I got to know the Jewish history, traditions and the holy language. But again, our school is much more than just studying. At our school we pray every day, eat kosher food and celebrate Jewish holidays together. We travel a lot to Israel and places that are connected with our history, we take part in different competitions, meetings and games, where we've met a lot of Jewish friends from other communities, other cities and even countries. It's so important to have this connection, because that's the only way you can fill how big and great the nation you belong to is. But also you got to realize how big responsibility it is to be a Jew, and learn how to deal with it. Cause sometimes people might look at a Jewish member with some prejudice, and they don't care about you and your own personality, so everything you do goes to whole nation's record. And mostly they recognize me as a Jew when I get in trouble. Even though things seem different nowadays, Jews are still in banishment. We are all thrown throughout the world - there's small community in every corner of the Earth. And that's why it's so important. We cannot forget our history or the language, we have to stay strong to save our identity. The only way we can do it is to educate our children in the right way and surround them with the Jewish environment. I'm very grateful to our school, it does a pretty great job.
Jewish school
by Brocha Moskovitz (grade 9)
Jewish education is very important in Jewish life.
Through education children learn how to live their lives in the right way.
Once there was a person who came to the Rebbe and asked Him when should he start educating his child? The Rebbe asked him about the age of the child. The man replied that his child is three years old. The Rebbe said that he was too late; he should’ve started educating the child from birth.
Jewish education starts as soon as the child is born. Parents, through example, educate their child how to lead a Jewish life.
The Rebbe said that Jewish education is the source of the Jewish life. If you don’t educate your kids then how will they continue living as their ancestors?
In our community we offer the parents to do just that, to help advance their child’s education. There’s a kindergarten for children aged 2-6. What distinguish us from other kindergartens is the focus on Jewish life and traditions. The children learn the Hebrew alphabet and prayers. There are programs and activities to make Jewish holidays memorable and fun!
There’s a school for children from Grade 1 – Grade 11. Our school gives every child the attention that he needs. The teachers make sure the student understands the material and is doing well at school – academically and socially, if needed teachers stay after class and explain the lesson to those who didn’t understand.
At school there are regular subjects, like science, maths, languages, and arts, as well as Jewish ones. We learn the Torah, the laws of the Torah, Hebrew, and Jewish history.
There’s a program in school, called the “Union of Hearts.” It offers the student to help those in need. Students visit elderly people in their homes, talk to them, and give them a care package. This teaches us to be kind to others, and help those in need.
I’m happy to be a part of this school. I enjoy going to school, I learn a lot every day, and I’m happy to see my friends daily. I ‘ve learnt a lot about my Jewish heritage and religion.
My school
by Sheina Moskovitz (grade 6)
Perhaps you won’t believe me but I enjoy going to school . I have a lot of friends there. Jewish school is very important to me.
My parents founded this school for every Jewish child. As I am Jewish, I chose to go to a Jewish school to learn about my heritage and traditions. I think that this was the right choice.
On Jewish holidays we have programs. They are fun. The teachers are very clever. They explain the material very well. We have a lot Jewish lessons. I like it. I love my Jewish school!
Why do I go to the Jewish school?
by Chaya Segal (grade 6)
I go to the Jewish school because I am Jewish. My parents came to Kharkiv to help the Jewish community and I am happy that I am part of it.
I love my school. We learn many Jewish subjects like Chasiddus, Dinim, Parasha, Torah and Navi. We also learn other subjects like Maths, Russian, Ukrainian, English, Sports, geography and biology. We have very good teachers and I have many friends.
I think that my school is the best school in Kharkiv.
My Jewish school
By Arseny Shatsky (grade 6)
My sister went to this school and she liked it.
First I studied at school near my house. But three years ago in summer my family and I visited my grandma. She lives in Israel. I liked this country very much. It is very beautiful and it has interesting traditions. I‘d like to know more about this country and people. So my parents and I decided that I should study at Jewish school.
I study many interesting subjects here. My favourite ones are English, Hebrew, Maths and Art too.
We’ve got our school radio “Shalom” and our own president.
In February we are going to celebrate our school’s birthday. It will be 25 years old. It is young, it is great. Our school is the best!
Why I go to this school
By Esther Malka Levinson
Eighteen years ago my parents, together with my eldest brother Hillel, came to Kharkiv as Shluchim of the Rebbe.
When I was seven years old and it came time for me to go to school, my parents didn’t have a question, for sure I am going to the Jewish school. That is where a Jewish child needs to learn.
Now I am in the sixth grade and I am happy that I am learning in this school. My favorite subjects are Torah and Jewish tradition. We have many interesting programs too for holidays and special days.
In the Jewish school every student feels as comfortable as at home because we are all like a part of one family.