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Персональний сайт учителя англійської мови ХСШ №170 Кесарєвої Вікторії Олександрівни

What do you know about Chanukah?

Learning about other cultures stops you from becoming narrowminded.

Chanukah is a Jewish holiday. It's also called the Festival of Light.

The Jews light candles for eight nights, beginning the 25th of Kislev. These candles commemorate the miracle of the olive oil that took place after the war between the mighty Syrian-Greek troops and the few soldiers of the Jewish people. Victorious, the people searched in the rubble of the Bais Hamikdash and found only one pure jug of oil. It was enough to light the Menorah for only one day, but miracle happened and the jug of oil lasted for eight days, enough time for new oil to be pressed from olives. On the first night of Chanukah, therefore, we light one candle – and we keep adding one new candle each night – until we have lit eight Chanukah lights.

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